Web Hosting and Internet Engineering
Established 1995
We are very sorry for our small part in promoting Internet technology many years ago. It was originally meant to help and enlighten people, but sadly, in many cases this has lead to the decline of simplicity, efficiency, logic, kindness, morality, fairness, innocence, caring, fidelity and the true meaning of friendship.

In its place intensified: loneliness, detachment, narcissism, the loss of social skills, loss of trust, disrespect, loss of faith or belief in a higher power, obesity, hatred, bullying, paranoia, racism, pornography, adultery, chaos, confusion, frustration, thievery, ageism, intense greed, espionage, persuasion, propaganda, conspiracy theories, poor health, the loss of potential, diminished scruples, self-absorption, impatience, atrophied congnition, sleeplessness, laziness, the loss of privacy, decline in birth rates, depression, addiction, identity theft, intolerance, gambling, temptation exposure, perversion, lust, spyware, computer viruses, ransomware, fraud, distraction, jealousy, hyper-sensitivity, rage, murder, unforgiveness ...

We, as one people have become less because of the Internet and we need to become more mature about how it fits into a normal, living society. It is a tool, and should not be a replacement for actual living and human interaction.

It's OK to practice giving the Internet a rest.

—Why not start today?

Have a non-virtual, face to face conversation of kindness toward another person today!